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Winter Months...

1.) For inclement weather information, visit our FB page for closings. If closed, it will also be announced on Channel 5 TV and their website For your convenience, you can also download WLWT app and receive alerts straight to your phone. An email will also go out when possible but unfortunately our system isn't 100% accurate on transmitting messages so therefore be sure to check our FB page or WLWT. If the gym is not closed and yet you feel it is unsafe to travel, please use your own discretion in making that decision- we want all families and students to be safe.

2.) Aerial’s asks that during this time/season of illness, you help keep our gym as germ-free as possible by following this rule: your child needs to be fever free (without medication) for 24 hours. We ask you keep your child at home if they exhibit any signs/symptoms of the flu. If absent, please don’t hesitate to contact Aerial’s to schedule a make-up class! Make-up classes can be reserved as long as the class is not full.

3.) Progress Reports/Evaluations will take place DURING classes starting on Jan. 22nd. If you are inquiring about which skills your child needs in order to progress to the next level, the progress reports are posted on the wall under the scoreboard. Any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s instructor on what skills/drills your child can be working on at home. Each child will need to demonstrate the skill at a mastery level- meaning they can demonstrate the skill CORRECTLY 4-5 times without fault.

4.) You will notice a $1 increase to tuition fees. This increase is due to inflation and will also help cover the cost of our new racquetball courts. As we do not want this increase to be a burden, we want to remind you that you are invited to apply for aid through our scholarship program. Scholarship applications can be found at the front desk!

5.) Aerial’s Christmas Showcase T-Shirts are on Sale! $10 a t-shirt.

6.) The next BHS clinic will be in February 16th! 5:30-7:00pm

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